A podcast that explores career choices
40. Beyond commerce: Working on tech that benefits society
Published: Oct 08, 2021
We have all dreamt of doing projects that benefit society at large, without having profit as the sole motive. What would such a job look like? And how would you go about finding it? We talk to Denny George, an engineer who has been applying his technical skills to civic causes for many years.
Denny is the Co-Founder and Product Engineer at Tattle Inc, where he builds tools and datasets that help fight misinformation in India. Before Tattle, Denny built an app that let US residents manage their interactions with law enforcement agencies. He also built an app for non-unionized workers of Walmart to be more aware of their rights as workers.
Denny's LinkedIn profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/denny-george-4097bb33/
Mentioned in this episode
1. Civic Tech - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civic_technology
2. Tattle - https://tattle.co.in/
3. MigraCam app - https://www.aclutx.org/en/migracam
4. App for Walmart workers - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/labor-organizers-apps-audiences_n_5b47a609e4b022fdcc577a47
5. Occupy Wall Street - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_Street
6. Quadrant 2 - https://quadrant2.us/
7. ACLU - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_Liberties_Union
8. DAIICT, Gandhinagar - https://www.daiict.ac.in/
9. Design for the Real World, by Victor Papanek - https://www.amazon.in/Design-Real-World-Ecology-Social/dp/0897331532
10. IIM-A's CIIE - https://ciie.co/
11. Civic Hall of New York - https://civichall.org/
Episode length: 31 min | Listen on: Apple | Google | Spotify | More options